Enough with the Hoodies: Education without the scare tactics

Growing up, I had DARE & abstinence-only education, which were comprehensive national education programs designed to educate children and keep them safe. They are an easy sell with a “wholesome” and straightforward answer to an otherwise complicated subject. “Just Say NO!” can be readily understood by young and old and easily marketed. Why not for... Continue reading Enough with the Hoodies: Education without the scare tactics

Anonymous: Operation Child Safety

The hacking group Anonymous came to the forefront of America’s consciousness in 2008 when they took on the Church of Scientology. Anonymous is known as a hacktivist group in which they create operations or projects for specific activist causes. Of all the operations, Operation Child Safety and other pedophile hunting teams discover the most gruesome... Continue reading Anonymous: Operation Child Safety

Round Up of Defaced Websites

Defacing a hacked website is usually for the sake of sending a message that the web server is insecure, but as you will see below, that is not always the case. These are just a sample of images, but it appears Turkish hackers have gone on a rampage. For the sake of displaying a diverse... Continue reading Round Up of Defaced Websites