Security Onion Primer

If you read my article on Security Onion planning and the mention of Snort/Suricata, Bro, and ELSA left you with questions, or if you haven’t read my Security Onion (SO) planning article but are looking for explanations of the various detection and analysis tools then this is the article for you. This is a Security Onion... Continue reading Security Onion Primer

Security Onion Set Up Part 1: Planning

Security Onion is used for network security monitoring in which it analyses network traffic and computer logs sent to it by OSSEC, a host intrusion detection system (HIDS). The Overview section of Security Onion’s Github page describes it as a proactive tool, “Network Security Monitoring (NSM) is, put simply, monitoring your network for security-related events.... Continue reading Security Onion Set Up Part 1: Planning