Do you need to block advertisement shenanigans without blocking the advertisements?

If you’ve never heard of malvertising or need a better understanding, then you should read the article on malvertising first. If you’re familiar with malvertising and have run into issues with blocking advertisements, then I might have a solution for you. I recently ran into problems with blocking ads because non-ad images weren’t loading due... Continue reading Do you need to block advertisement shenanigans without blocking the advertisements?

When do IT security investments matter?

MIS Quarterly presented a study that looked at the difference in moderating effect between substantive and symbolic IT security solution adoption in the healthcare sector. Part of the paper consists of a meta-study of past research and goes on to propose a new concept on how to view IT security investment – IT value point.

Steps You Should Take After a Data Breach

A data breach is a cataclysmic invasion of privacy which can wreak havoc on both businesses and private individuals. 2017 surpassed the total number of data breaches in 2016 by mid-year. Today we touch up on what to do after a data breach.